Welcome To My Chainsaw Carving Website

My name is Tammy and I am a newbie to chainsaw carving! I decided to put up this website because when doing my research I discovered there were not alot of other carving sites. Here you can watch me progess and advance in the art of chainsaw carving. You can also post your videos, pics and comments by visiting my forum or contacting me.

For my first sculpture I planned on doing a bear cub on all fours with a beehive. But as you will see that is not exactly what this carving is turning out to be. I have alot of logs that "speak to me" as what they should be. By this I mean that I can actually picture in my head what to carve. It depends on the shape and size of the wood.

This log was a practice log and I wasnt sure what I was going to carve. I just wanted to get used to handling the chainsaw. It was fun learning the different ways to carve to get so many different effects. I am leaning toward doing more whimsical and fun carvings instead of the typical bears. If I do decide to carve more bears they will have a different flair to them. I do realize that bears are good sellers.

I have always been interested in wood and chainsaw carving. Just over the last year I have grown even more interest in the art. What a cool way to display your skills. After months of research, (I've read everything I can get my hands on), I have finally started my first carving!!  

Thanks to all who have visited this site!!

Happy Carving and Be Safe!  


I Finally Started My First Chainsaw Carving!

Here is a pic of my first chainsaw carving! It's still a work in progress. This was done using a regular gas chainsaw with no special attachments or carving bars. I still need to finish the body and add details in the face. To see more pics go to my pics. Thanks to all who have supported me. I will be posting more pics as I go along.

Money Doesn't Grow On Trees?

Tell that to a chainsaw carver!


Tammy's Featured Artist

Barre Pinske

Barre Pinske is a well known artist who started his career chainsaw carvng in rural Minnesota. He began recycling trees left dead from dutch elm disease, transforming them into works of art. Soon Barre was showing off his skills at fairs, festivals and chain saw carving contests. He then spent time performing with the Scheers Lumberjack Show.

Barre has several studios where he displays and creates his wood and metal sculptures, paintings, and furniture. His artwork is collected by Aerosmith's lead singer Steven Tyler, who owns over 30 pieces of Barre's work. Prince and Barry Manilow also own some of his masterpieces. Barre Pinske is a true inspiration to all chainsaw carvers around the world.

Below you can view a video of Barre Pinske and his artwork which he forwarded to me. Thanks for all the links Barre! It s a great honor for you to visit my site!   

Women and chainsaw carving! As an aspiring lady chainsaw carver the chainsaw chix are my inspiration. They prove that carving is not just for men. Not only is this a chance for women to display their talents but make chainsaw carving a little more interesting. Sorry Guys!! But you have to admit that a lady and a chainsaw is pretty sexy, (unless you made your lady mad)!

Check out my videos page to see more chainsaw carving videos

Add your own videos, articles, photos, and comments by visiting my forum or contacting me